Step Up Transformer & Step Down Transformer
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Transformer is a device which gets electricity and change voltage value to another voltage. Basically, transformers change the voltage value from low voltage to high voltage using the rules of electricity. While using the transformers it is really easy to divide or multiply voltage and current value in AC circuits. There is no moving part inside the transformer, they work acording to magnetic induction principle. Transformers never create power, they convert the power which is already occured. Magnetic field changing is occured as a result of alternating potential diffirence which is supplied by alternating current at primary coil. This procedure induces alternating current at the secondary coil. The size of the induced voltage is up to number of turns in the secondary coil. Transformer converts the enegry from high voltage-low current to low voltage-high current. That is the principle of the conservation of energy. This procedure is also called step-up transformation. Step up transformers are used for the power plants to operate megawatts of the power. The metal type of the windings is also important. Copper windings are more efficient than the other metal choices such as aluminium. Copper coil tand to more cost but, we can say that it is more efficient than the others.
Transformers are comprised of primary and secondary windings at its left and right side. If the number of turns which is located secondary windings is less than the number of turns at primary windings, it means that secondary output voltage will be less than primary input voltage. This kind of transformers are called as step-down transformers. So, the induced voltage in the secondary coil is smaller than the applied voltage value in the primary coil. Opposite of this information, if the number of turns at the secondary windings is bigger than turns of the primary windings, secondary output voltage in the secondary windings is greater than the primary windings, it is called as stepup transformer. It means that, the induced voltage in the secondary coil is greater than the applied voltage value in the primary coil. Decreasing the voltage value does not cause any changes at the power range. If the voltage goes down, the current will go up. Mak Plus Power Systems offers you high quality transformer solutions as step-up transformers and step down transformers. Our long year experienced technical team work very carefully after we understand you needs clearly. Because, it is really important for us to give you the perfect transformer. We use high quality components for our step up and step down transformers and we produce according to European standards. As Mak Plus Power Systems Company, we have all quality certificates for the production of each power solution machine. If you can not decide what kind of transformer solution you will need, we will be here as Mak Plus Power Systems Family to support you quickly. When you use our transformer solutions, you can be sure that your systems will be in safe and more efficient. We offer you optimum stepup and stepdown transformer solutions with low initial investment cost. |