NiCd Battery DC charger & DC UPS UPS systems, telecom industry, car services, transportation systems etc. Features of battery chargers It is not effected by power cuts. Stops automatically when the nicd battery is disconnected. Doesn’t over-heat the batteries from our battery charger, also suitable for old type of nicd or AGM batteries. Germarel is a producer manufacturer of battery charger DC UPS supply in Germany in Europe.
NiCd battery charger specially industrial one is a device to put energy into a secondary cell or rechargeable batter by pushing electrical current inside it. The industrial nicd battery charging for the batteries' protocol changes according to size and type of the batteries that are being charged.
An industrial battery charger is used when there is no energy on your batteries. When a battery is fully charged, the charging current will be wasted so our nicd charger controls as optional also the discharging current. Environmentally design of the industrial nicd charger for batteries do not a disservice for environment. The system which saves %40 energy by using best technologies from Germany. The switch mode or standard industrial nicd battery charger devices for industrial application, the new member of mak plus power systems battery charge group, serves more than your expectations. The nicd batteries would be charged much safer with the improved software and special charging program. Non-complex structure, easy maintenance properties, user friendly program and other superior features will meet all requirements. Our 24V, 48V, 110V, 220V, 270V battery AGM, GEL or NiCd chargers can work silently not to disturb you. The most important feature of the device is it can be used as supply source as well as a battery charger. Besides low ripple factor increases the battery life. It’s an ideal solution for where device weight and dimensions are problem. The usage fields of the lead acid battery, nicd battery chargers. |
Technical Details of Industrial NiCd Charger That’s why if the battery charger agm gel nicd battery is fully charged and charging procedure is not stopped automatically, it can cause damages fort he batteries. Best chargers must be designed to stop charging when battery is full. Because, detecting this cutt of point and terminating the charge is critical, important to protect the battery life. Charging time is also another important issue that is considered carefully. Because, to charge the batteries faster, electrical energy must give in to the battery faster than the chemical process can react. This can cause some surges on the batteries.
As Mak Plus Power Systems Germany, we offer you the battery chargers that we produce in Germany and Europe is robust and high efficient. The Germany 24 Volt - 48 Volt - 110 Volt - 220 Volt battery chargers are designed with thyristor and IGBT. Our battery chargers automatic controlled when the battery full as well as controlling the systematic of the life time. The battery chargers are easy to support and control the voltage and current values. The 24V - 48V 110V - 220V nicd battery chargers have been designed for Germany market and all around the world. The chargers used for GSM sector, for huewai and alcatel GSM base station, telecom, IT, customized sector, Outdoor nicd charger systems and oil sector as well as transportation sector. Ergonomic and minimal designed supply you to operate and use easily. Our battery chargers are advanced technology and offer you the best protection charging system for your battery solutions. The temperature signal and resettable fuse can be used to turn of the charger to defend the batteries. The components and spare parts which are used for our battery chargers are very high quality. |
Technical Details of Industrial NiCd Charger
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When you use our NiCd battery chargers solutions you can also charge lead acid batteries. And with our newest technology your nicd or lead acid battery life will be longer. Another advantage of using industrial battery charger solutions saves energy. Battery heat control keeps the battery charger are produced manufactured from over heating. All charger for battery is produced manufactured in Germany in Europe.
The system which saves %40 energy. Switch mode battery charge devices, the new member of mak plus power systems nicd and lead acid industrial battery charger group, serves more than your expectations. The nicd batteries would be charged much safer with the improved software and special charging program with out newest 2020 technology. Non-complex structure, easy maintenance properties, user friendly program and other superior features will meet all requirements. Our 48V battery chargers for nicad application can work silently not to disturb you. The most important feature of the nicd charger device is it can be used as supply source as well as a nicd battery charger or dc ups. Besides low ripple factor increases the battery life. It’s an ideal solution for where device weight and dimensions are problem. The usage fields of the battery chargers ; UPS systems, telecom industry, car services, transportation systems etc.
Features of battery chargers
Features of battery chargers
- It is not effected by power cuts.
- Stops automatically when the battery is disconnected.
- Doesn’t over-heat the battery, also suitable for old type of batteries.
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